Saturday, July 10, 2021


 When using steroids, DHT levels will increase. With the increase comes possible side effects. These side effects include hair loss, and Gynecomastia, or the development of breasts in men is common as well. The reason DHT increases during steroid use is because estrogen production decreases. Estrogen production increases with testosterone levels while both are at low levels. As a result of the decrease in estrogen level, receptors in your skin cells will become more receptive to DHT resulting in the increase of these side effects.

DHT causes Hair loss because the hormone will attach to your receptors, and when it does attach, the hair follicle will decrease in size by shrinking. The hair strands themselves begin to change as well. As the cells slowly die out, the hair strand protrudes from the skin before falling out. The exact reason DHT causes male pattern baldness is not completely known. Most scientists agree that DHT destroys cells in the glands which are responsible for making other hormones responsible for producing longer and fuller hairs. Others also believe that because DHT is so potent, it actually prevents new hairs from growing in areas where there were once hairs before.


Is there anything you can do to reduce or prevent the side effects? 

One solution is to use an anti-DHT medication such as Proscar or Propecia to combat DHT side effects while using steroids. Other therapies include the use of other supplements that go against DHT. There are many which contain ingredients that will strengthen your hair follicles and prevent DHT from destroying them. These include Saw palmetto, which suppresses DHT production, and Nettle root, which actually boosts testosterone levels in your body.

DHT is very potent and control your hormone levels will help you keep your hair growth at its peak. Keeping a healthy diet of anti-oxidants such as vitamins C and E will also help to strengthen hair follicles. Hair loss is the most common side effect for men and women who take steroids. The hair loss is normally reversible and will grow back with discontinuation of all anabolic steroid use.

DHT causes Gynecomastia because the body still produces estradiol, which is transformed into estrogen through aromatase. The enzymatic conversion of estrogen to estradiol takes place through organ-specific cytochrome P450 enzymes, specifically CYP17A1 and CYP19A1. Once its conversion occurs, the amount of estradiol remains elevated in the blood for longer than it would if testosterone were dominating the estrogen level. This keeps circulating estradiol levels higher in your blood for longer than they would be if you received a testosterone hormone replacement therapy.

If too much hair loss has accrued only s hair transplant can truly help. Your hair will never be the same as it once was, but for many, that's okay. You may need to get a hair transplant twice before you're completely satisfied. And as with any surgery, there are risks. Even though hair transplant is the most common procedure, there are still risks: postoperative infections, hair loss during the healing process, graft mismatches, and graft failure. 

You must understand the difference between Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and strip harvesting. Follicular Unit Transplantation is a method of harvesting donor hair follicles from the back of your scalp. Stem cell therapy is also used to produce follicles for hair transplantation. There is an increased risk of complications with FUT because there is no skin left from which to undergo surgery. For the most part hair transplants are permanent.

If gynecomastia has occurred, avoidance of anabolic steroids will reduce the risk of further breast growth. If you experience chest pain, it may be a result of gynecomastia. Surgery might be required.

The side effects of high DHT levels are mostly a result of the aromatase enzyme being overproduced. Gynecomastia and hair loss are the most serious DHT side effects, but there are others that can be overcome with proper medication. By lowering DHT through medicine, you reduce the risk of further growth. 

liver damage

With heavy steroid use comes the possibility of liver damage. So, what exactly is liver damage? And what should you do in order to prevent it? Why is the liver so important for good health? Let’s dive in.

The liver is one of the largest organs of the body, second only to the heart. This reddish-brown organ is found on the right side near your lower ribs and it filters toxins from your blood. The liver helps regulate your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar as well as metabolize certain drugs and alcohols. When you take any type of medication or supplements, it can affect how those medications are broken down in your system which can lead to liver damage if not monitored properly.

liver damage

What is Liver Damage?

Liver damage is when the liver cells are destroyed without the ability to regenerate. This can be caused by a number of things, including: chemical exposure, infections, excess alcohol consumption, and obesity. It is estimated that 20-30 million Americans are affected by unhealthy liver function.

Common symptoms of liver problems include: dark urine or yellowish or pale complexion/skin, nausea or vomiting, abdominal swelling or pain, itching around the anus area, fatigue and sleepiness during the day and insomnia at night. If you have any of these symptoms on a consistent basis (especially if they worsen), you should consider getting tested for your liver health.

The main question to ask yourself is "How long have I been taking steroids?". If you've taken them for more than a year, chances are that you will experience some degree of liver damage. Most people who take steroids for more than a year will experience some degree of liver damage. The longer you take steroids, the more damage you are going to do. The best thing for you to do is stop taking steroids. Once your cycle is finished, then you can decide what to do next. Some people may feel that their liver has already suffered serious damage and they cannot continue on with pregnyl and anadrol. If this is the case for you, then it would be better to stop taking steroids as soon as possible and get back on a healthy track.

Some users of steroids will take supplements such as vitamins and minerals that are claimed to protect the liver during steroid use (such as milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid). These supplements do not work so great to reduce liver damage caused by steroids. However, they may be effective in reducing liver damage caused by alcohol and other non-steroid drugs.

Some users of steroids will take supplements such as vitamins and minerals that are claimed to protect the liver during steroid use (such as milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid). These supplements do not work so great to reduce liver damage caused by steroids. However, they may be effective in reducing liver damage caused by alcohol and other non-steroid drugs.

The liver is an essential organ for the body. It is responsible in removing harmful toxins from the body, metabolizing nutrients and producing chemicals that are necessary for digestion and other important functions. When the liver becomes diseased or damaged, a number of symptoms may occur depending on the severity of this condition. These symptoms include: increased liver enzymes especially AST (aspartate transaminase) and ALT (alanine transaminase), loss of appetite, fatigue, yellowing of the skin or eyes due to jaundice, dark urine and pale stools or constipation.

Obviously, the most important thing for you to do is stop taking steroids! Once your cycle is over and you've finished your post-cycle therapy (if you are using one), then it would be wise for you to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Finally, there are some supplements and herbs that can help with liver problems (such as milk thistle). However, chances are that these supplements will not completely reverse the damage of years of steroid use.

Staying healthy on steroids is not so easy. You have to be careful about what you eat and how you're feeling. I would suggest eating a well-balanced diet with no junk food. I also recommend exercising at least 3-4 times a week at low impact cardio fitness classes and doing some yoga, as well as doing Kegels — these exercises can help in preventing bladder infections (which is another common side effect of steroids).

When taking steroids for long periods of time, it's impossible to say whether or not you are going to experience liver damage. Many doctors will advise prohibiting the use of steroids all together due to liver complications. However, there are numerous studies that suggest the contrary. Although some people do experience liver damage when using steroids for an extended period of time, there are also plenty of people that have used them for years without any complications at all. It all depends on your body and how you're using the steroids. So, it's important to eat a well-balanced diet and live a healthy lifestyle if you use steroids on a regular basis.

As always, prevention is better than cure. Eat well, exercise frequently, get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water. Try to stay away from alcohol and caffeine. This is the best way to keep your liver healthy. Although I did not experience liver damage, I'm sure many other users have had problems with their livers after so many years of steroid usage. To get the most out of your steroids, you don't just want to take one or two a week, you want to take them as part of a cycle! If you are able to do that and still have no problems with your livers, then you will be doing very well. On the other hand, if you do experience any symptoms of liver damage such as fatigue or loss in appetite — this is when it is time for an endocrinologist. All these things will help prevent liver damage from happening in the first place!


There are many side effects to steroid over usage. Thankfully most are not that bad health wise. However, there are some side effects which surely are not pleasant such as gyno. Gynecomastia is the swelling of breast tissue in men. It is often seen as a result of over usage and has noticeable effects on the breast size and shape. Some of the effects are caused by steroid aromatization. In this process, the strong androgens get converted to estrogen by the liver and then into estradiol. Gynecomastia is not a serious problem but can cause distress in its own right. So let us find out more about this condition, how it happens and what are some preventions for it. This article gives you some insight into its causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention. There is also a section on drug interactions with steroids which may not be as widely known.

What causes Gynecomastia?

There are many factors which can cause gynecomastia but mainly it is as a result of high levels of circulating testosterone in men. Testosterone level is generally known to affect breast size and shape in men. 

The mechanism of gynecomastia is multifaceted. Androgen (male hormone) levels are naturally higher in men than women. However, when the balance becomes more androgenic (male hormone producing) it can cause swelling in the breast tissue. For example, anabolic steroids hormones such as testosterone can bind to androgen receptors in an overly literal sense causing a surplus of male hormones. The balance of the hormones skew in a more androgenic direction which causes the swelling of breast tissue.

The most common cause of gynecomastia is steroid usage, but not always from anabolic steroids. Some drugs such as marijuana also have a high ratio of Androgenic to estrogenic activity which may cause gyno. This is why marijuana users are at a higher risk for breast enlargement. However, the onset is immediate upon the ingestion of marijuana and does not take several months (or even years) to develop.


What are common symptoms?

The common symptoms of gynecomastia are distinct. The upper side breast becomes somewhat swollen, tender, feel like a marble under the skin and nipples can become enlarged as well. The swelling can spread to all parts of the chest and may make it impossible to tell specific limits between the breast and pectoral muscles. Pain is also quite possible in case the area is large enough. The patient may experience discomfort or burning sensation during exercise or activities when pressure is applied to the chest area which can be quite painful at times as well.

Symptoms of gynecomastia include:

-breast lump(s)

-enlarged breast tissue (sometimes to the point where they are asymmetrical)

-discomfort or pain in breast area from swelling, along with tenderness, or possibly even sensitivity in nipple area. Note that this pain may be more pronounced in one breast over another possibly because one is slightly larger than the other.

-rapid increase in breast size (generally to a noticeable degree within one month) to the point where it interferes with daily activity.

-may or may not be painful to the touch. If pain is experienced it will be similar to that of a sprained muscle or pulled ligament (painful but not debilitating). However, some may experience more severe chest discomfort/pain.

Treatment for gyno involves getting off of anabolic steroids, and resolving the issue without steroids. The most effective treatment is surgical removal, known as a gynecomastia reduction. This procedure is designed with the goal of returning your body back to its natural state before symptoms appeared. Surgical reduction is the most effective treatment for gynecomastia. The surgery removes the glandular tissue from under your chest muscle. Devoted gynecomastia surgeons are designed to leave as little scarring as possible, and a quick recovery time. The goal of the surgery is to give you a natural looking body once again.

If you want to avoid surgery, it is possible but not recommended. Since gynecomastia is caused by excess estrogen in your body, getting off of all anabolic steroids will reduce your estrogen levels and thus cure your symptoms. However, it will take time for everything to heal back to normal, and some scarring may still remain after stopping steroid use. The good news is it is possible to reduce the size of enlarged breast tissue. You can safely achieve this with natural methods and find relief from symptoms. 

There are a variety of ways you can reduce or eliminate your symptoms:

-Reduce your estrogen levels. There are many natural herbs that do so safely, effectively, and affordably. You can also boost your testosterone levels (which will naturally reduce estrogen), as well as support healthy liver function (cleanse or detox). If you need a detox supplement, use Liver Support. Follow a healthy lifestyle! This goes without saying but it is something we all should still consider if you are looking to avoid gyno .